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  • Writer's pictureMatthew Dos Santos

Jan. 4 - Jan. 7

This week was a pretty simple one. I spent my first day quickly filling out the Inquiry Project Planner through the month of January. I decided to start focusing more on researching the specifics of model rocketry rather than the broader concepts as I have been before. Specifically I’m looking into staging designs right now. While I do have a general idea of rocket staging, most of what I know is from full-scale rockets such as the Falcon 9 or the Saturn V, neither of which translate well down to the model level. However I have begun researching the possible staging designs at the model level.

Most model rockets aren’t controlled remotely or autonomously, they instead just fly entirely on their own without any input. As such, staging methods need to be able to work without any input from any source beyond the ignition of the first engine. Most commonly the stages are connected by a loop of tape, specifically a tape that melts. Then the bottom engine has a hole in the top so that when all the fuel within burns, a small amount of the flaming material shoots upward, into the bottom of the second and igniting it. This also causes the connecting tape to melt, leaving the bottom stage to fall away while the top stage ignites and carries the rocket further upwards. If I have the time I’d love to include a system such as this one into my own rocket to create a staging event.

Inquiry Project Planner:

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